I have always connected myself with the element earth, because I am very down to earth, an earthy person. The sky has always been the last place on earth I would like to roam. I like my feet to be firmly planted on the ground. I have never ridden in an air plane, and I often have nightmares of crashing planes and UFO crashes. I have a fear of heights; I once went on a nature trip in which I had to ride a sky lift to get to the top of the natural tunnel mountain to walk back down. I cried and closed my eyes; I could not wait to get back off and was extremely frightened. I vowed to never do anything that adventurous ever again. To be able to see air spirits is curious to me because I appear to have no rational apparent connection to the element. Around approximately a week following the exercise I practiced, I began to notice things in which I never had before. I walked out into the yard and stood at the neighbor’s fence. They have cattle and an open field. At times there are no cattle in the field, they move them around. So anyways there I stood looking out over the fields enjoying the scenery. It was a blue sky with few fluffy clouds and butterflies swarmed the field. It was in the evening after work nearing dusk. I looked up to observe the biggest fluffiest cloud in the sky and noticed something odd. Three spheres of a slightly dark color (sort of like shadows) floated in the air above, then to the side of me, then back in front of me, then back up above my head. I turned from side to side following the spheres. Then came floating through them was a long squiggly object. I ran around the yard and continued to see these unknown objects. They followed me to my porch, and I could see them on the porch when I looked up at the white ceiling. However, when I went inside, no more floating objects. I came back outside, there they were once again. I turned around about the yard, they followed, and I then stopped and looked straight up at the sky above my head. I observed tiny sparkles of light (sort of like glitter but slightly larger in size), this fairy glitter came pouring down over me. I thought I was dreaming, however I was awake. Maybe this could be part of fairy glamour, I’m not sure. It was a very exciting episode in my life. Well at least it was during the first few times I have seen the objects. Following this incident I have not seen any more glitter. I have seen the spheres and the squiggly object while I am driving through fog on the mountain, whenever I walked outside to the porch or yard mostly only in the evenings. Also when I leave work I see them outside the building as they follow me to my car. I wasn't sure what this meant or what it really was. I asked myself is there something wrong with my vision. Do I need to have an eye exam. Then I remember I just had my yearly eye exam which was perfect vision. Seeing objects float around on a daily basis is curious yet can be slightly annoying, especially when you continue to ask the beings to reveal more of themselves and they refuse. Could they be shy or could they be toying with me and think my plea is humorous?