Here is an additional nature project to enjoy. To craft a Toad House, you can use old flower pots or any container you can turn over on its side. You need moss, soft leaves and a place where there is moisture. Turn over your container on its side. You can anchor the container (if made of plastic) with a stone placed inside. Line bottom under the container on the ground with moist moss and leaves; also place these items inside to make a soft bed for the toads to sit. You should place the toad habitat near an area that has water.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Chronicle Thirteen: Craft Project: Garden Bird Bath
During the summer months I often did fun projects in which nature could benefit. These projects also allowed me to display concern and good treatment of nature to the fairies. Allowing for them to possibly trust me a little more, so that communication is continued to be welcomed. Fairies are very fond of the forest creatures and are said to often take forms of birds, rabbits, and insects. Making a bird bath can be a lovely adornment for your yard or garden. You don’t have to buy an expensive bird bath instead make your own. You can use old ceramic bowls, pie pans or any other shallow container. You can decorate them, and paint them any way you would like. Pick an area which is sturdy enough to hold the birds to place your bath. The bath I created consisted of a shallow ceramic desert garden container (I had previously had cactus and other succulent plants in container). The container was white and I did not wish to repaint it. I sat the container nicely in a tree limb which appeared to be a sturdy stand for it (you don’t want to place container somewhere where the birds could be injured). You then fill container with fresh clean water. Remember to keep bath filled on a regular basis so that the birds will return to bath.
Chronicle Twelve: Technical Fairies
Brian Froud the best selling artist and author of various fairy and fantasy related books; discusses in the book “Good Fairies/Bad Fairies” a fairy in particular he has named “Computer Glitch”. He describes the fairy as being linked to computer problems in which we have all once and while experienced. Such as computers crashing, calculators jamming, and darkening digital screens. Also mentioned in the publication are the following untraditional fairies; [the Ear Poking Fairy, who pokes ears and causes confusion among humans. The Credit Card Fairy who causes problems concerning credit transactions. The Pen Stealer Fairy who of course steals your pens and other small objects. The Bad Hair Fairy who loves to tangle hair which includes both human and animal.] This fairy causes you to wake up to have a bad hair day from having crazy bed head since the fairy tangled it all night. These are just a few of the quirky fairies displayed in the book.
Upon my first impression reading this book, I found it questionable. I have been a long time fan of Froud’s, however with this book I was indecisive concerning my feelings. On one hand I loved the art work and depiction of the fairies. The concern I had was that although I loved the traditional portrayal of the fairies, I did not like the quirky ones who were displayed. I thought to myself “fairies that are so intuned to modern man and his devices, that they would actually cause technical difficulties.” Let’s just say I had a difficult time being convinced these fairies could exist. This was my opinion of course until I actually had my own experience with the fairies I have coined “Technical Fairies”. I was sitting on my couch with my laptop. I had typed a blog, had uploaded a picture to accompany the text, when suddenly an odd incident occurred. About an average of twenty different photos of fairies began to pop up on my screen causing me to be unable to see the displayed blog in which I was working. I then saw faint spots floating around in my vision on the screen (this was not on my computer but in front of my face). These spots I could only determine to be my little friend or friends from the forest who had entered my home and was checking out my work. Apparently they were not satisfied or amused by my writing. I believed it must have upset them because they reacted by annoying me with the popping up photos. I thought maybe they did not like the photo I had chosen for this particular blog; therefore they were demonstrating the other possible photos I had to choose from. Never the less I went ahead and uploaded my choice. I then had to close all the photos and shut down my computer. The only explanation I could think of for this particular incident is to refer it back to Froud’s book; I was apparently punked by the Computer Glitch fairy or fairies. Have you had any technical difficulties lately? Maybe you were punked by a Computer Glitch. This has made me more open minded and has made me wonder if maybe when I’m having a bad morning and I just can’t do anything with my hair no matter how many products I use, it just has a mind of it’s own, then maybe it is just the bad hair fairy taking her turn at punking me.
Upon my first impression reading this book, I found it questionable. I have been a long time fan of Froud’s, however with this book I was indecisive concerning my feelings. On one hand I loved the art work and depiction of the fairies. The concern I had was that although I loved the traditional portrayal of the fairies, I did not like the quirky ones who were displayed. I thought to myself “fairies that are so intuned to modern man and his devices, that they would actually cause technical difficulties.” Let’s just say I had a difficult time being convinced these fairies could exist. This was my opinion of course until I actually had my own experience with the fairies I have coined “Technical Fairies”. I was sitting on my couch with my laptop. I had typed a blog, had uploaded a picture to accompany the text, when suddenly an odd incident occurred. About an average of twenty different photos of fairies began to pop up on my screen causing me to be unable to see the displayed blog in which I was working. I then saw faint spots floating around in my vision on the screen (this was not on my computer but in front of my face). These spots I could only determine to be my little friend or friends from the forest who had entered my home and was checking out my work. Apparently they were not satisfied or amused by my writing. I believed it must have upset them because they reacted by annoying me with the popping up photos. I thought maybe they did not like the photo I had chosen for this particular blog; therefore they were demonstrating the other possible photos I had to choose from. Never the less I went ahead and uploaded my choice. I then had to close all the photos and shut down my computer. The only explanation I could think of for this particular incident is to refer it back to Froud’s book; I was apparently punked by the Computer Glitch fairy or fairies. Have you had any technical difficulties lately? Maybe you were punked by a Computer Glitch. This has made me more open minded and has made me wonder if maybe when I’m having a bad morning and I just can’t do anything with my hair no matter how many products I use, it just has a mind of it’s own, then maybe it is just the bad hair fairy taking her turn at punking me.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Chronicle Eleven
In Andrews book the between or tween times are discussed. This is a subject often also discussed throughout the history of fairy lore. This concept explains that these beings are best seen in the in between times and also between places. Such as for example dusk or noon and seasons such as autumn and spring. A between place could be any area that is neither here nor there, such as a hedge or island. Reflecting on this theory, I recall the occasions I have seen my floating objects. I have seen them at noon when I am leaving for lunch. Noon is a tween time. I have also seen them around 5:30 to 6 pm as I am leaving work nearing dusk (also a tween time). My connection to them became stronger in the months of August and September. Autumn months are tween times. They have often appeared at the neighbor’s fence, the hedge borders, and the opening of my trail which was once a traveled dirt road, that leads deep into the forest and then ends. These locations are also between. Another Andrews’ suggestion is to spend more time in nature. During the summer I did spend more than usual amounts of time outdoors. I also became closer nature and the elements by gardening. This is an activity I do not usually partake in; however I was interested this year.
Rethinking on the events following concludes my ideas on the floating spheres to be identified as air spirits. Andrews states that finding in nature or having received from an individual unique gifts can be linked to fairies and elementals. Such as receiving a stone from a friend unexpectedly or finding a unique feather outdoors. One evening I was walking on the trail, it is near the area I made for the fairies (which I will discuss later and have suggestions for your own); I had made a fairy house; this was placed at the opening of the walking path. As I strolled pass the fairy house, I found a very large feather lying in the path. I did not know which bird it came from, I just knew it was a pretty feather. I did not pick it up, I just walked on. I later read that feathers can be gifts from Sylphs. These beings of nature are said to be more closely in line with fairies and angels. They can often serve as temporary guardian angels to individuals according to Andrews. These beings are air spirits. At the time of the incident, I did not realize that it could have been a gift. The air spirits were most likely always around the yard and I just never noticed them and my eyes did not perceive their existence. Andrews also suggests that those who can connect easily with the Sylphs often over analyze things. This is very interesting because I often have issues with over analyzing. Friends and family tell me I do this to much and worry too much. Could my connection be to close to the beings? Could my analyzing issue be a direct result? I do not know, and I am very curious. Andrews suggests that a human must thank the elementals and fairies when receiving gifts. If had this knowledge prior I would have picked up the feather, thanked the Sylphs and keep it for further research, a luck charm and a mediation tool. Another summer activity I conducted was lounging outside and reading. My reading often consisted of fantasy and fairy tales. I believe that my summer practices helped open my relationship to the air spirits and helped to maintain my new vision ability to see them. I strongly suggest that if you are interested in having contact with the faerie realm, you must read Andrews’ book. It is an excellent tool to use in your quest. I am confident that the book has been completely beneficial to educating myself on the subject. With out it, I would have been unaware of the possibilities which lay before me in which I never knew truly existed.
Rethinking on the events following concludes my ideas on the floating spheres to be identified as air spirits. Andrews states that finding in nature or having received from an individual unique gifts can be linked to fairies and elementals. Such as receiving a stone from a friend unexpectedly or finding a unique feather outdoors. One evening I was walking on the trail, it is near the area I made for the fairies (which I will discuss later and have suggestions for your own); I had made a fairy house; this was placed at the opening of the walking path. As I strolled pass the fairy house, I found a very large feather lying in the path. I did not know which bird it came from, I just knew it was a pretty feather. I did not pick it up, I just walked on. I later read that feathers can be gifts from Sylphs. These beings of nature are said to be more closely in line with fairies and angels. They can often serve as temporary guardian angels to individuals according to Andrews. These beings are air spirits. At the time of the incident, I did not realize that it could have been a gift. The air spirits were most likely always around the yard and I just never noticed them and my eyes did not perceive their existence. Andrews also suggests that those who can connect easily with the Sylphs often over analyze things. This is very interesting because I often have issues with over analyzing. Friends and family tell me I do this to much and worry too much. Could my connection be to close to the beings? Could my analyzing issue be a direct result? I do not know, and I am very curious. Andrews suggests that a human must thank the elementals and fairies when receiving gifts. If had this knowledge prior I would have picked up the feather, thanked the Sylphs and keep it for further research, a luck charm and a mediation tool. Another summer activity I conducted was lounging outside and reading. My reading often consisted of fantasy and fairy tales. I believe that my summer practices helped open my relationship to the air spirits and helped to maintain my new vision ability to see them. I strongly suggest that if you are interested in having contact with the faerie realm, you must read Andrews’ book. It is an excellent tool to use in your quest. I am confident that the book has been completely beneficial to educating myself on the subject. With out it, I would have been unaware of the possibilities which lay before me in which I never knew truly existed.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Chronicle Ten

I have always connected myself with the element earth, because I am very down to earth, an earthy person. The sky has always been the last place on earth I would like to roam. I like my feet to be firmly planted on the ground. I have never ridden in an air plane, and I often have nightmares of crashing planes and UFO crashes. I have a fear of heights; I once went on a nature trip in which I had to ride a sky lift to get to the top of the natural tunnel mountain to walk back down. I cried and closed my eyes; I could not wait to get back off and was extremely frightened. I vowed to never do anything that adventurous ever again. To be able to see air spirits is curious to me because I appear to have no rational apparent connection to the element. Around approximately a week following the exercise I practiced, I began to notice things in which I never had before. I walked out into the yard and stood at the neighbor’s fence. They have cattle and an open field. At times there are no cattle in the field, they move them around. So anyways there I stood looking out over the fields enjoying the scenery. It was a blue sky with few fluffy clouds and butterflies swarmed the field. It was in the evening after work nearing dusk. I looked up to observe the biggest fluffiest cloud in the sky and noticed something odd. Three spheres of a slightly dark color (sort of like shadows) floated in the air above, then to the side of me, then back in front of me, then back up above my head. I turned from side to side following the spheres. Then came floating through them was a long squiggly object. I ran around the yard and continued to see these unknown objects. They followed me to my porch, and I could see them on the porch when I looked up at the white ceiling. However, when I went inside, no more floating objects. I came back outside, there they were once again. I turned around about the yard, they followed, and I then stopped and looked straight up at the sky above my head. I observed tiny sparkles of light (sort of like glitter but slightly larger in size), this fairy glitter came pouring down over me. I thought I was dreaming, however I was awake. Maybe this could be part of fairy glamour, I’m not sure. It was a very exciting episode in my life. Well at least it was during the first few times I have seen the objects. Following this incident I have not seen any more glitter. I have seen the spheres and the squiggly object while I am driving through fog on the mountain, whenever I walked outside to the porch or yard mostly only in the evenings. Also when I leave work I see them outside the building as they follow me to my car. I wasn't sure what this meant or what it really was. I asked myself is there something wrong with my vision. Do I need to have an eye exam. Then I remember I just had my yearly eye exam which was perfect vision. Seeing objects float around on a daily basis is curious yet can be slightly annoying, especially when you continue to ask the beings to reveal more of themselves and they refuse. Could they be shy or could they be toying with me and think my plea is humorous?
Chronicle Nine

According to Ted Andrews book “Enchantment of the Faerie Realm”, each individual may have more success working with certain beings of the realm more than others. I have had questions and lots of them pertaining to the reasoning of my connection to air spirits. Well according to Mr. Andrews everyone’s energy is different, and one person may connect with flower fairies rather than an elemental. During the summer I decided after having already read his entire book once, to go back and reread the material. This time the reading would be different because I would not only conduct my own experiments in attempts to practice his exercises, but I would also record my findings. The first exercises were processes in which I have conducted throughout my entire life, which may be why my results were so fast. These exercises include revisiting childhood, reading myths and fairies tales (in which opens your mind to the presences which exist). One of my hobbies is reading and researching myths, legends and fairy tales. I have always regarded my inner child as alive and well. So I then decided to experiment with the exercise in which you call forth the king of the element you should connect. This element would be according to your birth sign. The king of the Gnomes is determined to be in my element. Therefore I sat under a secluded tree in my back yard, in the evening. Barefoot in the grass with eyes closed and as closely connected to nature as I could be. I sat and conducted the exercise. I did my mediation/visualization. I called forth the king of the Gnomes, I then called forth the Archangel of the element, and lastly I called out my own name in order to link us. Immediately following the exercise, I had no indication that it had worked. I observed nothing unusual in my nature surroundings. Nothing unusual for days.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Chronicle Eight: Book Review

The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies was documented by a Scottish minister named Robert Kirk. He traveled the Highlands in search of collecting stories of first hand encounters with those of the faerie realm. The book has an introduction by Andrew Lang the author, poet and collector of folk/fairy tales. The book appears to have been once hard to find. Dover Publications offers an edition for the price of $6.95. The book discusses themes that particularly stand out in my memory. These themes may also be of interest to others.
The text explains that those of the faerie world are of middle nature between man and angel. References to an array of spiritual beings are made in the text. Which curiously includes references to daemons which were old and intelligent spirits (also reminds me of the Golden Compass film), good/bad spirits and also those of the angelic realm (the nine orders of angels).The one theory in particular which was most curious and disturbing in my opinion was that of the possibility of a double self. A spirit or shape of a person in two places. The author refers to man as the superterranean race, and those of faerie as the subterranean race. He states that those of the superterranean (man) could have a double that is of the faerie (subterranean) race, which resembles each other identical. This spirit is haunting the individual as a shadow. The spirit appears to be specifically assigned to that person. He refers to this type of spirit as a reflex man or cowalker.
The author describes those of faerie to appear to be made up of light changeable bodies (astral form), like a condensed cloud (in which actually describes the presence I have seen) and that they are best seen in twilight (which appears to be directly linked to the denseness of their bodies). Their apparel and speech may be the same as humans as a direct result of the area (country) in which the being resides. Such as the theory that leprechauns will appear wearing Irish dress. These spirits of faerie can appear and disappear at will. The text suggest these spirits are so dense they can enter into any cranny or cleft in the earth (which appears logical to the myth that some reside within rocks and the earth). English authors relate that laying your ears to a cleft of rocks, you can hear inner activity regarding hammering, and clashing of armor. They are also portrayed to be able to swim in the air around you, in which you can not see them unless you have the gift of sight. Only those who are seers or have the gift of second sight have the ability to communicate or see the spirits. According to the text women are actually less likely to have the special ability to see them.
As for their behavior or lifestyle, it is explained that the faerie beings have human abilities such as living in tribes, having children, marrying, and deaths. The author also states that these acts could be solely preformed in the human eye as a mockery of our own daily lives. They have been found to possess aristocratic rulers and laws however they do not appear to have religion. They are also portrayed to be bound to lust and passion just as the human race is also capable.
The text in my opinion was a little difficult to understand and read. As a direct result of the timeframe in which it was written. However, it is a curiousity book that any lover of faerie, or fantasy should not pass by without reading.
The text explains that those of the faerie world are of middle nature between man and angel. References to an array of spiritual beings are made in the text. Which curiously includes references to daemons which were old and intelligent spirits (also reminds me of the Golden Compass film), good/bad spirits and also those of the angelic realm (the nine orders of angels).The one theory in particular which was most curious and disturbing in my opinion was that of the possibility of a double self. A spirit or shape of a person in two places. The author refers to man as the superterranean race, and those of faerie as the subterranean race. He states that those of the superterranean (man) could have a double that is of the faerie (subterranean) race, which resembles each other identical. This spirit is haunting the individual as a shadow. The spirit appears to be specifically assigned to that person. He refers to this type of spirit as a reflex man or cowalker.
The author describes those of faerie to appear to be made up of light changeable bodies (astral form), like a condensed cloud (in which actually describes the presence I have seen) and that they are best seen in twilight (which appears to be directly linked to the denseness of their bodies). Their apparel and speech may be the same as humans as a direct result of the area (country) in which the being resides. Such as the theory that leprechauns will appear wearing Irish dress. These spirits of faerie can appear and disappear at will. The text suggest these spirits are so dense they can enter into any cranny or cleft in the earth (which appears logical to the myth that some reside within rocks and the earth). English authors relate that laying your ears to a cleft of rocks, you can hear inner activity regarding hammering, and clashing of armor. They are also portrayed to be able to swim in the air around you, in which you can not see them unless you have the gift of sight. Only those who are seers or have the gift of second sight have the ability to communicate or see the spirits. According to the text women are actually less likely to have the special ability to see them.
As for their behavior or lifestyle, it is explained that the faerie beings have human abilities such as living in tribes, having children, marrying, and deaths. The author also states that these acts could be solely preformed in the human eye as a mockery of our own daily lives. They have been found to possess aristocratic rulers and laws however they do not appear to have religion. They are also portrayed to be bound to lust and passion just as the human race is also capable.
The text in my opinion was a little difficult to understand and read. As a direct result of the timeframe in which it was written. However, it is a curiousity book that any lover of faerie, or fantasy should not pass by without reading.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chronicle Seven

After seeing the butterfly three weeks passed, we were in the yard cooking out. A different butterfly (smaller but the same color) landed and sat on the bottom of my pant leg. A few weeks following this incident, I came onto the porch and was petting my dog (she is a large lab). She appeared afraid and was shaking (keep in mind my dog is large and is a predator, she kills rabbits, any small fuzzy animals, and birds), she started barking. I looked down the hill and there in the middle of the dirt road, sat a very large rabbit with very long ears (looked like a jack rabbit). I have observed many rabbits in the yard since I have resided there and in the roads; however they are always scared and run. This one just sat looking up at us. My husband came outside, the rabbit didn’t move. I told him I wanted to see how close I could get. I walked right up to it and talked as I walked. It appeared to listen; it did not flee until I got close enough to grab it. Following the event for several weeks, I observed the same rabbit in the yard, just hanging out on a regular basis and I would talk to it and get very near. My dog never chased or killed it; she just continued to be intimidated by it. This occurrence continued for a few weeks before the creature completely disappeared. Now let’s go back to a weekend in particular in which I observed the rabbit near by. It was a very hot Saturday and I decided to lay out in the sun in my bikini. I took my lawn chair very close to the forest entrance and read my book. I was not reading anything by far that was erotic that day. Not a single thought of that type was even entering my mind. When all the sudden I felt sexual and something came over my body. It was sudden and passed very quickly. I was very confused as to why I had such sudden erotic urges. According to Ted Andrews book “Enchantment of the Faerie Realm”, fire spirits have a sexual influence when near. Satyrs who in mythology are fairies of the woods and mountain regions (which would make them possibly earth spirits) were half human and half beast. Often portrayed as half goat. In legend they are said to chase nymphs. Pan (a satyr) in mythology is the god of fertility, unbridled male sexuality and desire. I am not claiming to have been visited by such a spirit. However, the animals being so friendly and the out of conduct urge, makes me wonder. I have experimented with the exercises in Andrews book to contact the faerie realm. Since attempting the exercises and being more open to contact, a series of strange events have occurred. These events can of course be explained away, however they remain curious.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Chronicle Six: Sunbathing in Nature

Even though my heritage is mostly Native American concerning both parents. I am a very fair complexed woman, my other relatives who are dark complexed, usually poke fun at my fairness. However, I do have some native features which include slanted eyes and high cheekbones. I have been previously labeled Goth, due in fact to my fair skin and my once completely black hair. As a fair person I rarely sunbathe. However, in my teenage days I did lay in the tanning beds. Now in my adulthood this is an activity I do not really practice unless I use gradual fake tanning. Neither the less, in the beginning of the June month I felt the urge to be outdoorsy, when previously this is not in my personality. So I decided I would begin sunbathing as a summer activity.
I live on a mountain with no neighbors. I have a wide clear trail behind the house that was once many moons ago a routed road. This was in the days of horse and buggy. This road is no longer connected the routes of the county road. Therefore it only leads deep into the forest. I am pretty much surrounded by the trees and animals. Living in Virginia I often see glimpses of forest animals. Bears, deer, raccoons and so on. So I am lying out in the warm sun and reading an interesting book. When a beautiful large brown and black butterfly began to fancy swarming all around my bikini clad body. It landed on my chair at my head. Then landed at my feet. Then back to the top of the lawn chair at my head. I sat up and began to talk to it.
The creature did not move or appear timid. I extended my hand in its direction, it did not move. I said “If you are really a little fairy in disguise crawl up on my hand”. Just as I spoke these words, the insect did just that. It crawled onto my hand and just sat there for a few minutes, I talked to it and it appeared to be listening. Strange I know, although I have heard butterflies are attracted to clothing color and will land on people. On through out the day the butterfly lingered near.
This incident happened on a Saturday. That night I told my husband about the insect and he laughs. The following morning, he says to me “Hey look out the door your friend is back”. I looked out the screen door. The butterfly was sitting on the welcome mat looking at the door, it waited there for a spell, well at least until I came out. I came outside and it swarmed around my body, I spoke softly to it. My husband came outside and stood on the porch, it landed on his big toe and he shook his foot, the insect flew away. The proceeding days after this incident I continued to see the same large butterfly lingering near the house and sitting on the doormat as if to wait on us to come out to talk. After about a week, it disappeared. I told my mother the story. She states that growing up her mother often told her old folk tales and superstitions. She had a brown butterfly land on her arm as a teenager. Her mother told her that this meant someone would purchase her a dress that was the same color as the insect. A week later she received a brown dress as a gift. Butterfly superstitions foretell the insect to be good luck if it lands on your body. Faerie lore portrays spirits of the forest to disguise themselves often as animals that includes insects. Whether I received luck or was visited by an individual fairy, I still had fun playing with my little visitor.
I live on a mountain with no neighbors. I have a wide clear trail behind the house that was once many moons ago a routed road. This was in the days of horse and buggy. This road is no longer connected the routes of the county road. Therefore it only leads deep into the forest. I am pretty much surrounded by the trees and animals. Living in Virginia I often see glimpses of forest animals. Bears, deer, raccoons and so on. So I am lying out in the warm sun and reading an interesting book. When a beautiful large brown and black butterfly began to fancy swarming all around my bikini clad body. It landed on my chair at my head. Then landed at my feet. Then back to the top of the lawn chair at my head. I sat up and began to talk to it.
The creature did not move or appear timid. I extended my hand in its direction, it did not move. I said “If you are really a little fairy in disguise crawl up on my hand”. Just as I spoke these words, the insect did just that. It crawled onto my hand and just sat there for a few minutes, I talked to it and it appeared to be listening. Strange I know, although I have heard butterflies are attracted to clothing color and will land on people. On through out the day the butterfly lingered near.
This incident happened on a Saturday. That night I told my husband about the insect and he laughs. The following morning, he says to me “Hey look out the door your friend is back”. I looked out the screen door. The butterfly was sitting on the welcome mat looking at the door, it waited there for a spell, well at least until I came out. I came outside and it swarmed around my body, I spoke softly to it. My husband came outside and stood on the porch, it landed on his big toe and he shook his foot, the insect flew away. The proceeding days after this incident I continued to see the same large butterfly lingering near the house and sitting on the doormat as if to wait on us to come out to talk. After about a week, it disappeared. I told my mother the story. She states that growing up her mother often told her old folk tales and superstitions. She had a brown butterfly land on her arm as a teenager. Her mother told her that this meant someone would purchase her a dress that was the same color as the insect. A week later she received a brown dress as a gift. Butterfly superstitions foretell the insect to be good luck if it lands on your body. Faerie lore portrays spirits of the forest to disguise themselves often as animals that includes insects. Whether I received luck or was visited by an individual fairy, I still had fun playing with my little visitor.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Chronicle Five

Over the course of my journey, I have in mediocre ways sent out invitations to the nature spirits and fairies of the mountain region where I reside. In this chronicle I will discuss some of the events and I will later discuss further invites which were conducted. Special for my birthday in May, I gave my sweetheart a list of creative items I would like purchased. A few items listed included a dome garden kit the Fairy Triad by the company DuneCraft, the Smurfs season 1 DVD set, and a set of fairy fun books from the company Dover publications, all of which I received as gifts.With the Fairy Triad I not only learned the different types of plants that attract fairies, but also had lots of fun assembling the product and observing the growth development. By using the Triad you can create your own miniature indoor fairy habitat. The seeds included in kit were each specific for fairy contact. These include Lobelia to attract fairies, Thyme to enable you to see them, Evening Star to make fairy brews, and Clover for various reasons such as being a favorite of the leprechauns. The kit also includes terrarium dome, decorative items (a fairy miniature, pinwheel, and fairy bells), planting mixture, plant stakes, rainbow gravel, drainage pellets, stickers for outside decorations and growing instructions. All you need to care and grow the plants are included. The Fairy Triad inspired me to create my own terrarium fairy habitat. These two habitats placed along side my other houseplants makes a charming display together. In chronicle two I will discuss the instructions to make your own terrarium fairy habitat. DuneCraft products also include a variety of learning products for children and those of you with the inner child alive to purchase. Additional personal favorites include Windowsill Greenhouses; Princess Garden, Dragon’s Lair, and a Dome Garden Kit Witches’ Woods.The Smurfs were one of the many fantasy related animated series from the 1980’s I grew up with and adored. This series inspired me to write my own stories as a child. An array of magical beings and creatures of the faerie realm were featured in the series. Just to mention a few wizards, witches, dragons, wood nymphs, pixies, gremlins, mermaids, and genies. The long running series contains 414 episodes and 8 animated specials. My favorite episode is “The Pussywillow Pixies”, in this story a pixie befriends a lost Smurf in Pussywillow Hollow, and with the help of the other Smurfs they rescue her friends from being captured by Wartmongers. Do you have a favorite animated feature film or series which depicts those of the faerie realm? If you do, rent or purchases a film or series and reconnect with your inner child.Creativity is an element that strongly connects individuals with the realm of faerie. It appears that one doesn’t have to be gifted at the craft of creating to invite contact. I love to sit down and paint, or color either along side my nephews or nieces or alone. A favorite activity of summer has been to sit under the tree at the picnic table with a fairy related coloring pad. A fairy fun kit can be purchased from Dover publications. This kit is assembled with coloring books, stickers, and paper dolls. I did purchase the Fairy Tale Fun Kit; however I enjoyed putting together my own kit by purchasing coordinating items separately. I will discuss in chronicle three the items that make up my kit and suggestions for your own kit.As an adult I am still (as you can easily observe) still a kid at heart. Although I do not have children of my own yet, I try to often include my nephews and nieces in my creative activities. Keeping the child in yourself alive appears to also keep you open to the possibility of contact with the realm. Going back and reviewing favorite fairy tale stories, and cartoons of fantasy from childhood, can not only inspire your creative side but can also send a welcome to the realm. For purchasing greenhouse kits and domes visit:
Chronicle Four: Faerie Terrarium

A terrarium is an enclosed environment where plants can grow creating a miniature greenhouse effect. There are two basic types of terrariums: closed environment and open environment. In a closed environment the terrarium is sealed and it is an ecosystem unto itself that needs very little caring however, they do require occasional watering and moderate sunlight. An open environment terrarium is more common and is usually one where the top is open. As a child, for a science project I made a two-liter soda bottle terrarium. Instructions for bottle terrarium: cut the bottom piece and then cut a half inch vertical snip in one spot. Turn the piece around halfway and snip again. This will reattach the top and bottom of the bottle easy. Then slip the plastic top with cap onto base.Before beginning your project you should pick a theme. Such as a desert, rainforest, or magical themed environment. For example a fairy terrarium in which you can add small doll accessories or miniature statues. Another example would be a dragon or gargoyle environment using a mini statue, and a mix of creepy plants such as carnivorous plants and creeping moss.To begin you will need:- A large jar, fish bowl, aquarium, other clear container- Activated Charcoal- Potting Soil- Sand or gravel (such as pea or aquarium gravel) for drainage- Several small houseplants (see below)- AccessoriesPick miniature plants which will fit appropriately in container. Types of plants I recommend are: small ferns, african violets, any carnivorous plant, begonias (the small leaf versions), peacock plant, and rattlesnake plant. earth star, green earth star, rainbow star, magic carpet, creeping moss, prayer plant and persian shield.Types of items which you can use for decoration purposes includes, doll house accessories, or you can use natural items from the yard (such as bark, rocks, or nutshells) to make your own mini furniture. You may wish to use some gravel to make paths among the plants. You could also put mini figures or landmarks through the paths, and make little signs (using cardboard) stating each place (think up magical location names), post the signs into soil using a toothpick to glue at back, than you can arrange and display your statues as if they are continuing on a adventure journey. For example in front of a carnivorous plant a sign could read “Beware of man eating plant” or “Path to dragon’s lair”. I use mini garden statues which can be purchased in most stores. I also get natural moss, and broken small pieces of wood from outdoors to give a rustic outdoor display.Now that you have your needed items and have picked a theme for your craft you can get started. First you select an appropriate glass or plastic container. The container must be large enough to place your hand comfortably in and out. You may use a container with or without a lid. Large jars, large candy or soft drink bottles (which you can cut the top off), or even aquariums or gold fish bowls. Clean container out well. Make a drainage layer using 1 to 2 inches of gravel in bottom of container. Then add a thin layer of ground charcoal over gravel. Pour over layers potting soil at least two inches the height of container if not more. Select miniature plant mixes which all require the same care instructions. Taller plants should go in back of container, then shorter ones in the front. Water plants just a little and mist them with a spray bottle. Then place terrarium in a spot where sunlight is available. Check it every few weeks for water, with the greenhouse effect you don’t need to water the plants much. If too much moisture is held in container, temporarily lift the lid so it can escape. You will know when to water again by touching the soil. If it is dry, water it. If it feels damp, do not. If you manage to take appropriate care of your project, it should last for years.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Chronicle Three

The format for my blog is to present the events that occurred before I achieved contact and then to proceed with further discoveries. However, today I had a encounter which i must document now. This is only due to the fact that it was so surprising and it is a recent event. I don't like the fact that on my blog, i am actually documenting backwards by writing about events from the ending of spring, which started in May. Never the less today I am writing about a event that has just occurred, while the information is still fresh in my memory. I have a professional job and today was my day off. I was lounging early in the day by coloring and painting in my living room. I felt a presence near and looked up to observe a energy, which i have recently became familiar. Which appears to be a air spirit (this will all be explained later as to how i have gotten to know this energy that exists). Remember creativity of any kind is said to attract those of faerie. I felt the urge to go outside, so I went out and walked around the yard. I observed the tiny animals which appeared to draw closer to me. The butterflies, insects and birds. I went back inside and got my binoculars and went back outdoors. I used them to watch the small birds in a tree. They came down on closer branches and sang to me. Throughout this observance the energy entity circled my head. I asked "Please reveal yourself, I want to see your face". It would not however, it continued to circle me and stray outside in the corner of my vision (like on the right side of my head, then to the left but never to look straight forward at me). According to the book "Enchantment of the Faerie Realm" by Ted Andrews (which i will later on also discuss and recommend) nature spirits are often revealed by means of appearing within humans edge of vision prospective. The entity would not reveal facial features or a body just those sparkles of light floating like i have seen often. Well i walked over to the garden and saw that some ripe tomatoes were weighting down the plants, so i picked three (the magic number). I then walked further towards the forest entrance, while carrying my tomatoes. I passed by some trees and came to a open clearing. I felt the tiny hairs on my right arm up all stand up (you know like when you are frightened and you get the tingles) then I felt something touching my right elbow. I felt also as if a spider web had brushed my right arm and I keep trying to wipe it away while still attempting to grasp my tomatoes and not drop them. I then heard a rustling in the brushes and weeds that covered the fence, it frightened me. I turned to run. This action was taken mostly as a direct result of being intimidated by snakes, which were recently seen on my property. So I ran a little ways down from the spot I heard the rustling and then I heard it in another spot. I ran back onto the porch. I sat on the porch and looked up on the lightly colored ceiling, I could view more vividly the floating spots. I began once more to ask sweetly "Please reveal yourself, I won't ask you to show anyone else but myself". However, no luck and it was not corresponding to my pleas. A horse fly flew onto the porch (I can't tolerate flies and bees), I also observed a beautiful teal colored dragon fly which had flown throughout the yard during the time I spent there. I thought to myself I would love for it to fly closer, so that I could more closely observe it. However it would not come no where near me. I asked once more for for the entity to reveal itself, then I asked "Please tell the dragon fly to come closer". It did not however large bees and horseflies came swarming onto the porch and were flying right towards my face so much that i had to leave it. I thought to myself "Well I asked for something nice to look at closely and I get the pests in my face". Well as I walked to the door to enter, I looked back and whispered "Thanks" to the entity in a saracistic tone. I went into the bathroom thinking I would take a long warm bath. However, I found as I opened the door a large cricket, which appeared from out of nowhere. I do not like to kill anything, therefore I got some tissues and picked up the creature. I was planning to take it out the door and release it into the woods. However, as I went to open the screen door, the dragon fly I so admired appeared to have rushed into the porch and also right up in my face and also appeared to be trying to knock me down and come into my house. It frightened me so much, I screamed and almost dropped the tissue carrying the cricket. I then closed the screen door and the dragon fly was hoovering still in the door and I could see it very well through the glass. The insect then flew away. I thought to myself "Well maybe you do get what you ask for and then you don't want it". I walked out the screen and observed the floating orbs swarming all around above my body as I released the cricket. I walked back to the porch and looked up at orbs and said "Thanks". Apparently the spirits read my mind and knew I did not wish to welcome annoying insects and that I was also annoyed at them for not granting my inital request. However, I did ask to view the dragon fly and was granted that wish.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Chronicle Two: Faerie Kits

As mentioned previously, Dover Publications produces fun kits pertaining to a array of themes. I purchased the Fairy Tale Fun Kit, however i have also built my own collection by purchasing various items pertaining to magical themes and created my own fun kit. My kit includes Unicorns Iron On Transfer Patterns, Fairy Babies and Fairy World stained glass coloring books, Fairy of the Seasons Paper doll, Flower Fairy Stickers, 6 Flower and Fairy Cards, Mythical Creatures Flash Cards, 12 Fairyland Bookmarks, and Fairies and Elves Stencils. My favorite of these is the iron ons, i am currently working on a quilt and pillows. I iron the patterns on and then paint them with fabric paint. The quilt will be patchwork. You can also embroider pictures on fabric using patterns. The stained glass books have pages you can take out and put in windows for the sun to shine through. I use my fairies stencils to draw on wood work and then either paint or wood burn the pattern. Which being of the faerie world is your favorite? Unicorns are often my pick. If your favorite is a unicorn, mermaid, or dragon for example you can purchase the dragon fun kit which is already assembled or build your own collection by picking from coloring books, bookmarks, tattoos, stickers, and also literature. For info and ordering you can go to:
Monday, August 18, 2008
Chronicle One: Just a Introduction

I have been captivated by fantasy adventure since childhood. I have always desired to believe that all beings and creatures associated with the faerie realm truly exist. However, as much as I daydreamed and hoped for an acknowledgement of their existence; a lingering doubt would remain in the back of my mind. A doubt that these fantastical creatures of myth are simply just that, myths. Ideas adults have conjured up to entertain children with fairy tales. This was my assumption until the occurrences of this recent passing summer. What could have possibly convinced a faerie lover who was not a believer, you may ponder. Well you often hear the statement “Seeing is Believing”, this statement holds true. I have come to the realization that with patience and observance anyone wishing to make contact can invite nature spirits and fairies into their lives. I think I would have noticed them surrounding me in the past if I would have been open to spending time in nature, and observing my surroundings closely. If you aspire to interact with the beings of nature that surround us, then you must be willing to carry out these following tasks. You must greet them which will send out a welcome, you must be respectful of their existence and you must spend more time in nature or else they will not attempt to reveal themselves. Once upon time when the earth was young and humans worked more closely with nature. Growing their own food and spending more time in natural settings. Humans interacted more often with the beings of nature. However, in our busy technical world of today, most individuals do not take time to interact with them and are not open to the possibilities that await them. I have made an attempt to connect with gnomes the nature spirits of the earth because according to my birth sign I am more attuned to the earth element. This attempt failed however, without much effort at all I have been able to connect with the spirits of the air the sylphs. This is a most curious incident to me and I am not sure how I managed to accomplish this feat. In my journal I intend to retell my journey which has progressed to this point of contact. And I will continue my experiments which I will then report my results to you, the reader.
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