As mentioned previously, Dover Publications produces fun kits pertaining to a array of themes. I purchased the Fairy Tale Fun Kit, however i have also built my own collection by purchasing various items pertaining to magical themes and created my own fun kit. My kit includes Unicorns Iron On Transfer Patterns, Fairy Babies and Fairy World stained glass coloring books, Fairy of the Seasons Paper doll, Flower Fairy Stickers, 6 Flower and Fairy Cards, Mythical Creatures Flash Cards, 12 Fairyland Bookmarks, and Fairies and Elves Stencils. My favorite of these is the iron ons, i am currently working on a quilt and pillows. I iron the patterns on and then paint them with fabric paint. The quilt will be patchwork. You can also embroider pictures on fabric using patterns. The stained glass books have pages you can take out and put in windows for the sun to shine through. I use my fairies stencils to draw on wood work and then either paint or wood burn the pattern. Which being of the faerie world is your favorite? Unicorns are often my pick. If your favorite is a unicorn, mermaid, or dragon for example you can purchase the dragon fun kit which is already assembled or build your own collection by picking from coloring books, bookmarks, tattoos, stickers, and also literature. For info and ordering you can go to:
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