The format for my blog is to present the events that occurred before I achieved contact and then to proceed with further discoveries. However, today I had a encounter which i must document now. This is only due to the fact that it was so surprising and it is a recent event. I don't like the fact that on my blog, i am actually documenting backwards by writing about events from the ending of spring, which started in May. Never the less today I am writing about a event that has just occurred, while the information is still fresh in my memory. I have a professional job and today was my day off. I was lounging early in the day by coloring and painting in my living room. I felt a presence near and looked up to observe a energy, which i have recently became familiar. Which appears to be a air spirit (this will all be explained later as to how i have gotten to know this energy that exists). Remember creativity of any kind is said to attract those of faerie. I felt the urge to go outside, so I went out and walked around the yard. I observed the tiny animals which appeared to draw closer to me. The butterflies, insects and birds. I went back inside and got my binoculars and went back outdoors. I used them to watch the small birds in a tree. They came down on closer branches and sang to me. Throughout this observance the energy entity circled my head. I asked "Please reveal yourself, I want to see your face". It would not however, it continued to circle me and stray outside in the corner of my vision (like on the right side of my head, then to the left but never to look straight forward at me). According to the book "Enchantment of the Faerie Realm" by Ted Andrews (which i will later on also discuss and recommend) nature spirits are often revealed by means of appearing within humans edge of vision prospective. The entity would not reveal facial features or a body just those sparkles of light floating like i have seen often. Well i walked over to the garden and saw that some ripe tomatoes were weighting down the plants, so i picked three (the magic number). I then walked further towards the forest entrance, while carrying my tomatoes. I passed by some trees and came to a open clearing. I felt the tiny hairs on my right arm up all stand up (you know like when you are frightened and you get the tingles) then I felt something touching my right elbow. I felt also as if a spider web had brushed my right arm and I keep trying to wipe it away while still attempting to grasp my tomatoes and not drop them. I then heard a rustling in the brushes and weeds that covered the fence, it frightened me. I turned to run. This action was taken mostly as a direct result of being intimidated by snakes, which were recently seen on my property. So I ran a little ways down from the spot I heard the rustling and then I heard it in another spot. I ran back onto the porch. I sat on the porch and looked up on the lightly colored ceiling, I could view more vividly the floating spots. I began once more to ask sweetly "Please reveal yourself, I won't ask you to show anyone else but myself". However, no luck and it was not corresponding to my pleas. A horse fly flew onto the porch (I can't tolerate flies and bees), I also observed a beautiful teal colored dragon fly which had flown throughout the yard during the time I spent there. I thought to myself I would love for it to fly closer, so that I could more closely observe it. However it would not come no where near me. I asked once more for for the entity to reveal itself, then I asked "Please tell the dragon fly to come closer". It did not however large bees and horseflies came swarming onto the porch and were flying right towards my face so much that i had to leave it. I thought to myself "Well I asked for something nice to look at closely and I get the pests in my face". Well as I walked to the door to enter, I looked back and whispered "Thanks" to the entity in a saracistic tone. I went into the bathroom thinking I would take a long warm bath. However, I found as I opened the door a large cricket, which appeared from out of nowhere. I do not like to kill anything, therefore I got some tissues and picked up the creature. I was planning to take it out the door and release it into the woods. However, as I went to open the screen door, the dragon fly I so admired appeared to have rushed into the porch and also right up in my face and also appeared to be trying to knock me down and come into my house. It frightened me so much, I screamed and almost dropped the tissue carrying the cricket. I then closed the screen door and the dragon fly was hoovering still in the door and I could see it very well through the glass. The insect then flew away. I thought to myself "Well maybe you do get what you ask for and then you don't want it". I walked out the screen and observed the floating orbs swarming all around above my body as I released the cricket. I walked back to the porch and looked up at orbs and said "Thanks". Apparently the spirits read my mind and knew I did not wish to welcome annoying insects and that I was also annoyed at them for not granting my inital request. However, I did ask to view the dragon fly and was granted that wish.
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