After seeing the butterfly three weeks passed, we were in the yard cooking out. A different butterfly (smaller but the same color) landed and sat on the bottom of my pant leg. A few weeks following this incident, I came onto the porch and was petting my dog (she is a large lab). She appeared afraid and was shaking (keep in mind my dog is large and is a predator, she kills rabbits, any small fuzzy animals, and birds), she started barking. I looked down the hill and there in the middle of the dirt road, sat a very large rabbit with very long ears (looked like a jack rabbit). I have observed many rabbits in the yard since I have resided there and in the roads; however they are always scared and run. This one just sat looking up at us. My husband came outside, the rabbit didn’t move. I told him I wanted to see how close I could get. I walked right up to it and talked as I walked. It appeared to listen; it did not flee until I got close enough to grab it. Following the event for several weeks, I observed the same rabbit in the yard, just hanging out on a regular basis and I would talk to it and get very near. My dog never chased or killed it; she just continued to be intimidated by it. This occurrence continued for a few weeks before the creature completely disappeared. Now let’s go back to a weekend in particular in which I observed the rabbit near by. It was a very hot Saturday and I decided to lay out in the sun in my bikini. I took my lawn chair very close to the forest entrance and read my book. I was not reading anything by far that was erotic that day. Not a single thought of that type was even entering my mind. When all the sudden I felt sexual and something came over my body. It was sudden and passed very quickly. I was very confused as to why I had such sudden erotic urges. According to Ted Andrews book “Enchantment of the Faerie Realm”, fire spirits have a sexual influence when near. Satyrs who in mythology are fairies of the woods and mountain regions (which would make them possibly earth spirits) were half human and half beast. Often portrayed as half goat. In legend they are said to chase nymphs. Pan (a satyr) in mythology is the god of fertility, unbridled male sexuality and desire. I am not claiming to have been visited by such a spirit. However, the animals being so friendly and the out of conduct urge, makes me wonder. I have experimented with the exercises in Andrews book to contact the faerie realm. Since attempting the exercises and being more open to contact, a series of strange events have occurred. These events can of course be explained away, however they remain curious.